Thursday, March 21, 2013

Losing It For A Good Cause

Losing It For A Good Cause

I am sure that what I write here will probably never be seen by anyone.

So, why am I writing it? Good question.

Sometimes, in life, things happen that we have no control over.  It can be something as simple as breaking a nail. It could be something worse, like falling and breaking a bone.  But, for some it is much worse.  It is learning that your child has cancer.

At the beginning of this month I learned the story of a little girl.  A little girl full of life, love and hope.  A little girl that evil overtook.  A little girl that lost her life to an evil monster that is CANCER!

I learned this month that March 1st is Donna's Day.  I wish I could have met Donna! You are probably saying to yourself, who is Donna?  I don't know Donna.  Why should I care about Donna?  Read Donna's Cancer Story and find out for yourself who Donna is!  After reading her story, you will know Donna. You will know what the journey was like for her and her family, and it will give you an idea of what other families are dealing with on a daily basis.  Every child's story is different, but in a way they are all the same.  They are all fighting some evil that wants to destroy them.

Donna's Cancer Story

A few days ago, after much thought and prayer.  I decided to do something.  I started doing some research online about what to do.  I came up with the most logical decision.  I will participate in St. Baldrick's!  Yes, you read that right St. Baldrick's.  I (if my goal is met) will have my head shaved in solidarity for those children that are afflicted with that evil monster Cancer.  Those children have no choice.  If they want to fight the evil monster, it means Chemo and Radiation.  The result is they lose their hair.  I currently do not know anyone personally that is in this fight.  But, I do know that the child fighting could be my own, it could be yours.

My husband didn't know what to think when I told him.  It took me explaining why I was doing it for him to understand.  I explained to him what exactly St. Baldrick's is.  That it is a way to raise money for children's cancer research.  I have set a goal of $2000 to raise for this cause.  It may seem like a lot of money, but in reality it's not enough.

On April 20th I will step forward and do what I feel is right.  I will not be doing this alone, my son will also be there to have his head shaved.  He has been wanting to have his head shaved, for a good cause I will let him.  All it will take for me to accomplish this is you.  Yes, you.  Your probably saying "how can I help?".  You can help by donating to a worthy cause. If you are unable to donate, share this message so that someone else can.

These children have no choice in the matter.  I do!! I choose to stand with them in solidarity!

If you have gotten this far into this post Thank You.  For 2 1/2 years I have been letting my hair grow out.  It is now half-way down my back.  And, for a good cause I am willing to start over.  It's just hair, it'll grow back.  I have looked into having my hair donated before the shave, but I have learned that due to the fact that it has been chemically processed it cannot be used.

Please help me, help someone who cannot help what is happening to them.

Please donate.

My St. Baldrick's Donation Page

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you and your brave decision to give up what many people treasure most, the hair on their head for such a great cause. Years ago, I had cancer and lost quite a bit of my hair. Yes, my beautiful natural auburn hair! It was devastating, humbling, mournful even, but in comparison to trying to live without the chemo/radiation treatments, losing my hair was better than losing my life.

    So thank you, Christine,from all of us who ever had to lose our 'locks' to this evil disease. Keep being the great example to your children that you are, they learn to be better people because of you.
